In Three Easy Steps
It is always a great day when you organize your closets! Even a very small closet or one you share with hubby. Create a closet you need for your family archives of albums, heirlooms & keepsakes, or for your home office. Below, I share with you the closets I have in my home. a total of four closets; the master bedroom, our daughter’s room, the hall Linen closet, and the entryway closet converted to a combination Baker Family Archives and Home Office closet.
Three organizing steps:
1. Start by taking everything out of the closet. Use your bed, a garment rack or two if you can, and large storage bins as you sort through the contents.
2. Purge or eliminate the excess this way – really think to yourself, “Do I love it? Have I worn this item in the last year? Does it fit me?” Create three piles – Keep, sell, donate. You DO NOT need 20 pairs of jeans! Five pairs are plenty! Remember, you wear 20% of what you own, repeatedly.
3. Make the decision to keep fewer amounts of clothing and keep them in high rotation – wear what you have and love often. Use resources like Rent the Runway, to fill in gaps in your wardrobe, stay current, and to see what styles work best on you now. Not what was trending 10 to 15 years ago or two-three sizes ago. I highly recommend the use of Wonder Hangers, absolute must-haves, available at HSN. And of course, grab your closet storage essentials specifically designed for clothing, photos, and home office needs at The Container Store.
Lastly, consider dedicating a closet for your Family Archives. Fill with proper storage boxes for safely keeping photographs, albums, and keepsakes. This closet could also be a Home Office closet.
I hope this post helps you to get excited and organize your home’s closets! Love, your HOMEBFF xoxo!

Accents Reign
Queen’s bags from

closet doors

more space

with several storage boxes from The Container Store

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