Do you love butterflies as much as I do? I think I’m obsessed. I love what they represent- transformation, renewal. Also, Spring! Cerulean and navy with white is a color combo I really like. Sharp/crisp! I created these pillows last year. I partially made them. I did all the hand pleating and arranging of the patchwork, but had my seamstress sew them together. Do you like them? I love them! Take a look at the details below and how they were constructed. Enjoy! Your Home BFF!
Get the look: navy or cerulean sheets, white lace sheets, plush blanket, tufted headboard, swing arm lights
Giant (Euro) pillows for your bed. What I love most is how the edges are left undone. It’s the not-so-perfect look with the raw edges.
Pillows are placed on navy Vern Yip sheets and white Highgate Manor lace sheets.
Pale blue sheets are Anna Griffin – dreamy. Clearly, right out of the package and I did not press so forgive me for the
With more dec pillows added and a Highgate Manor Velvety Plush blanket.
So this is how I made them: Not only did I buy fabric in coordinating colors, but I love using vintage fabric – fabric from vintage clothing that I buy at antique stores.
Some clothing I wear. Some I cut into many pieces.
You can see a boudoir pillow I made from the same vintage dress, and another pillow I made from a vintage jacket.
The pillow still looks like the jacket!
Hand pleated the body of the butterfly. Had no idea what I was doing at the time.
Just moved ahead and knew the end shape needed to be a butterfly, so I used a pattern I made.
My very worn dining table. Now you can see why I needed to paint! (
So this is where my work is done!
Now I add the butterfly to what cotton fabric that will be the backing of the butterfly, and have my seamstress sew together. She’s amazing!

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