“Hair. Cut it. Dye it. BUY More Of It!” A woman by the name of Gloria Mayfield Banks used to say it all the time. She is a top of the top National Sales Director with Mary Kay Cosmetics, and she was so right! No one needed to complain about having bad hair days. No one needed to have them. The solution was easy…”Hair. Cut it. Dye it. BUY More Of It!” That said, this Glamour Girl, Your Home BFF, is going to let you in on a little secret…most women in television wear hair extensions. More and more women everyday wear hair extensions. Would you like to see how I prepare mine? See below. Enjoy!
Presenting on-air at HSN wearing my long hair!
Purchase the Remy Hollywood 100% Human Hair, or the type of extension that best matches your hair. I purchase at local Beauty Supply Store and it costs $70-$120 depending on length.
When I wear my hair long, I buy 18″. Shorter, 14″ or 12″. I like to change it up from time to time.
Use upholstery thread.
Cut the wefts to the desired size width.
After you cut, be sure to burn the ends to stop excess shedding.
Attach the clips to the wefts. Start at the ends. I like no more than four clips on a full length weft. Two on small wefts.
Wash and air dry.

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