Below, One of my favorite things to do- re-imagine/re-purpose, as opposed to quickly trying to replace. Do you have the baby letters from the nursery, but now have a far more sophisticated kiddo on your hands? Look at what I was able to do with the pink gingham letters I had saved from Sofia’s nursery from 11 years ago. I’ve used the letters a couple of times for Birthday parties, but wanted to add them back to Sofia’s room as part of the room refresh. Take a look at how I added burlap – trimming the letters was the hardest part. I used black spray paint. Burlap ribbon. Pretty easy actually. Sometimes what to do/how to do comes as you are doing the project. That was the case here.
Sofia is into riding and jumping horses, my little equestrian, so that was the theme of her room. Sweet!
I’d love to change her closet door to a white barn door that slides back and forth. Eventually.
Picked-up the metal and glass shelf at IKEA.
No rime or reason on this little piece. Just liked the size, color and weathered look.
The letters that went through a transformation.

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