When it comes to living a lovely life, I’m a huge believer in celebrating life. “Celebrate everything!”, and “Make it a big deal!” is what I like to say. You already know life is moving at warp speed, and the importance of stopping to smell the roses. That said, you’ll understand why I chose to make such a big deal about my daughter’s recent Daddy Daughter Dance.
This was Sofia’s third year attending the annual event held at her school. This year’s theme was Cinderella’s Enchanted Garden, and what an enchanted evening and experience it was. From selecting her dress, shoes and accessories – shopping with both of her grandmas weeks in advance, to having her hair professionally blown-out, we were in full blown prep mode for quite a while. Why? Because it’s a big deal! Because we want to celebrate all the magical moments of life. Because any event in your children’s life/your life can be a magical moment where memories are being made. Just slow down and really think about how you can make it fun as you maximize the moment. Invite family, have a little pre-event party, decorate-yes, decorate! It’s easy! Read on because I’ve shared with you how to make it simple to execute effortlessly. Love, Your Home BFF!
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