Each November, HSN, [Home Shopping Network] has its Deck the Halls Christmas shows. This was my eighth year! However, it was my second year broadcasting our shows from our home, aka, #bakerhomestudios, via Skype due to covid restrictions.
Since set design and propping are now my responsibility for each of my products, selecting a color scheme and/or theme could not simply be what I desired, but what would make the merchandise look best. A task that is not always easy. Not to mention, I enjoy styling something new visually for the viewer at home. To inspire!

This year, two things emerged; gnomes and red. As the UPS trucks arrived with sample merchandise I would be sharing on-air, an abundance of gnomes appeared. From shelf sitters in various sizes to figurines. I always say my husband looks like a gnome. He loves to wear a knit cap when it’s chilly, has a large beard. Then, so much of the decor was bright red. When I realized I had so many Winter Lane and Wind and Weather red gnomes, I knew I had to do a Gnome tree and have red as the main color.
The trend I observed most this year was placing large decor pieces IN the tree. I love that! I placed a dozen or so gnome figurines into my tree and at the base. Even my tree topper is a gnome. I chose to use loads of inexpensive red poinsettias and mesh ribbon to fill in the tree. I already had silver poinsettias. I added those as well. The red and silver color scheme was divine. I added a handful of red large ornaments too. I used red velvet bows on almost everything. I already had some bright red velvet ribbon from Amazon, and Home Goods, but added a more claret red velvet ribbon for more bows. I even made a selection of bows to wear in my hair, inspired by a couple of bows I purchase from Hill House Home, one of my favorite brands. For the record, I love a two-inch wide ribbon for hair, occasionally thinner. Four-inch wide satin without wire is dreamy. I hope you like what you see! Love, Your Holiday HomeBFF xoxo.