Ask yourself the following questions: How would you feel if your mom/mother-in-law/sister-in-law, etc., came over and opened your flatware/silverware drawer? Does your husband find what he needs without rummaging through the tray? Are your forced to use plastic utensils when you entertain because you cannot locate a set for eight of dinner forks and knives? Do you have a complete set? Did you inherit your mom’s silver? Oh, You may be wondering…to say flatware or silverware? I learned it depends on which region of the country you are from. In the South, we say silverware, even when we are talking about our stainless steel. Also, it truly depends on the composition of materials used. Silverware truly implies sterling silver. Also, silverware may refer to household silver including tableware, cutlery, even candlesticks.
Recently, I had the opportunity to share the Kathy Ireland Home by Gorham flatware collection on HSN. I was thrilled to remind viewers and customers the importance of having a complete set of flatware for their family and friends. However, though I’m blessed to have inherited mom’s silver and use it regularly when I host dinners or parties, I had to admit that my own flatware drawer was a sad compilation of mismatched pieces. A few remaining pieces from my wedding set. A few from my first apartment. Even found some silver, in desperate need of polishing, that somehow landed in the drawer. I never had enough serving pieces. Just look at the pile! So, we ordered 101 piece set, which included everything I needed!
Keep in mind – even with the relaxed entertaining mode we are in, it’s nice to offer real flatware to your family and friends while hosting dinner in your home. Plus, save time and money while simplifying your prep time. No more running across town to purchase plastic utensils from the party stores! If you already have a lovely set of flatware you adore, bring home an additional set for daily use. Create your own style and feel free to blend your new collection with your existing set. You and your family deserve to have a gleaming, lovely set to use daily. Your husband will love seeing the neatly organized drawer. Make every meal special, or as you enjoy your cup of coffee or a bowl of ice cream. Guests will love it too!
Remember, no more plastic forks and knives! Simply refreshing your flatware will help you live an effortless, elegant and elevated lifestyle. Love, Your Home BFF!
This was the mountain of mismatched flatware in my drawer when I knew it was time for a refresh.
Presenting on HSN
WOW! Look at this breathtaking collection! A treat each and everyday!